Mortgage Protection

Mortgage Protection

With one in three people disabled for six months or longer during their working career, Mortgage repayment insurance is a benefit that is designed to protect what most people believe is their greatest asset, their home, but actually it is their income earning ability that is insured.
Benefits are paid monthly after you have been off work for a period of time (the waiting period, usually 4,8 or 13 + weeks).

The problem with most cover issued by banks, is that they only pay for 12 to 24 months, what do you do after that.

Most mortgages are over 25 - 30 years.

The repayment cover we recommend, covers you through to age 65 and in most cases have the following benefits.

  • They are agreed value benefits.
  • Continue to pay even after your mortgage has been paid off.
  • Pay in addition to ACC.
  • Are linked to the CPI (consumer price index).

We will package this benefit in with Life, Permanent Disablement and Trauma lump sum benefits, to ensure your home will remain in your family ownership should you pass away or be permanently disabled.

Talk to us today about your needs.




Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much cover do I need?
  • Who can apply?
  • What is the definition of a disability?
  • Am I covered if I'm out of the country?
  • My Insurance premiums are going up, is there an option to make the premiums level?
  • How likely am I to become disabled or pass away before age 65 ?
  • What does specific injury or illness benefit mean?
  • What does TPD (total and Permanent Disablement) Booster mean?
  • Under my monthly disability cover (Income protection or Mortgage repayment cover) it says I have a Total and Permanent Disablement benefit, what does this mean?
